Enchiladas Suizas recip

To calculate the Weight Watchers points for the Enchiladas Suizas recipe, we’ll need to break down each ingredient and its quantity to estimate the points. Here’s a step-by-step calculation for each component:

Ingredients and Points Estimation

  1. Tomatillos (10 medium)
    • Generally, tomatillos are 0 points on Weight Watchers.
  2. Onion (1 piece)
    • Typically, onions are 0 points on Weight Watchers.
  3. Serrano Chiles (2)
    • Peppers are usually 0 points.
  4. Garlic (2 cloves)
    • Garlic is 0 points.
  5. Sour Cream (1/4 cup)
    • Regular sour cream (full-fat) is about 5 points for 1/4 cup.
    • Light sour cream can be about 2 points for 1/4 cup.
  6. Water (1/4 cup)
    • Water is 0 points.
  7. Chicken Bouillon (1 tablespoon)
    • Typically, chicken bouillon is 0 points.
  8. Oil (1 tablespoon for sauce + 2 tablespoons for tortillas)
    • Each tablespoon of oil is 4 points, so 3 tablespoons total would be 12 points.
  9. Corn Tortillas (approximately 10)
    • Each corn tortilla is about 1 point. So, 10 tortillas are 10 points.
  10. Shredded Chicken Breast (about 2 cups)
    • Chicken breast is 0 points if skinless and cooked without added fat.
  11. Manchego Cheese (for topping, about 1 cup)
    • Manchego cheese is about 11 points per cup (shredded).
  12. Fresh Cilantro (for garnish)
    • Cilantro is 0 points.


  1. Prepare the Sauce:
    • Boil the tomatillos, onion, serrano chiles, and garlic for 3 minutes.
    • Blend the boiled vegetables with the sour cream and the 1/4 cup of water or chicken bouillon until smooth.
  2. Cook the Sauce:
    • Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a pan over medium heat.
    • Add the blended sauce and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Prepare the Tortillas:
    • Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil in a skillet.
    • Lightly fry the tortillas and then drain on paper towels.
  4. Assemble the Enchiladas:
    • Fill each tortilla with shredded chicken and roll them up.
    • Place the rolled tortillas on a serving plate.
  5. Serve:
    • Pour the cooked sauce over the enchiladas.
    • Top with shredded Manchego cheese.
    • Heat in the microwave until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
    • Garnish with chopped fresh cilantro.

Enjoy your delicious Enchiladas Suizas!

Total Points Calculation

  • Sour Cream (light): 2 points
  • Oil: 12 points
  • Corn Tortillas: 10 points
  • Manchego Cheese: 11 points

Total points for the entire recipe:
2 (sour cream) + 12 (oil) + 10 (tortillas) + 11 (cheese) = 35 points

Points per Serving

If the recipe makes about 5 servings (2 enchiladas per serving):

  • Total points: 35
  • Points per serving: 35 / 5 = 7 points

Therefore, each serving of these Enchiladas Suizas would be approximately 7 Weight Watchers points.


  • If using full-fat sour cream, add an additional 3 points to the total, making it 38 points or about 8 points per serving.
  • Adjust the number of servings based on your portion size to get an accurate points calculation per serving.
    7 points Swiss Enchiladas >>>  NEXT

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